
Minimal Example:

This is a basic kripweb application looks like:

from kripweb.handler import Handler
from kripweb.response import TextResponse

import uvicorn

handler = Handler()

async def home():
    return TextResponse("Welcome to Kripaars' world!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    uvicorn.run(handler.get_application(), host="localhost", port=80)

This is what we did in the example,

  1. Firstly, we imported the kripweb's handler. When we are using this module, we would register all the route to the handler.
    The handler will analyze and process the request according to the registered methods.
  2. Then, we imported a TextResponse(). This is used for returning a response in text form.
  3. Next, we imported uvicorn as our ASGI server implementation. Uvicorn will load in all the request and push them to the handler to process our request.
  4. We opened a handler instance.
  5. Then, we created a new page. Register the 'home' page by using the decorator @handler.page()
  6. We return the "Welcome to Kripaars' world!" string in text form by calling TextResponse().
  7. Call the uvicorn.run() method to make the server start.


Web applications uses a good URL to help user to remember this page and vists the page directly. Use decorator handler.page() to bind a URL to function.

async def index():
    return TextResponse("Krip Web!")

async def ping():
    return TextResponse("Pong!")


There are different response in kripweb. Each of them correspond to a return form.
Use the return keyword to return the response in the function. If the await_send_mode setting is True, a send function will be included as a parameter, and await send(response) works just like returning.
However, only the first response is used in a function, so multiple await send() does nothing.

  • TextResponse - Return in text form
  • ImageResponse - Return an image
  • FileResponse - Return a file
  • StaticResponse - Return static file (e.g, js files, css files)
  • HTMLResponse - Return html code to render.
  • Redirect - Redirect the user to another page according to the url provided in parameter.


You can pass in True in the parameter take_request in the decorator handler.page
Now, you can access request in your function context as the following example.

@handler.page("get_host", take_request=True)
async def get_host(request):
    return TextResponse(request.host)

URL Variables / Query String

To create an url variable, you can include a <section_name> tag in the url.
To access url variables, the request is taken

@handler.page("user/<username>", take_request=True)
async def user(request):
    return TextResponse(f"User {request.kwargs.get('username')}")

To use query strings (data that stored in an url after a question mark), registrations in the url are not required, request will have it done.

@handler.page("auth", take_request=True)
async def auth(request):
    token = request.query_string.get("token")
    # Some work...
    return TextResponse("Hello, user!")


HTTP Methods represents different meanings, for example,
GET method requests a representation of the specified resource.

Add parameter method as the following example to permit which method allowed in a request
The method parameter is, by default, the GET method.

@handler.page("ping", method="POST")
async def ping():
    return TextResponse("Pong!")


This is a special feature in kripweb which allows one handler absorbs the other handler's routes into its own route map.
For Example, AHandler have 2 routes and when the BHandler.ingest_handler(AHandler) is called,
BHandler will have all routes from AHandler along with its binded functions. name in PagesHandler provide a name for url resolving when the Redirect response is used,
url is an indicator for the main handler to know where to find pages in the corresponding PagesHandler instead of itself, when using the get_page method.

AHandler = PagesHandler(name="a", url="a")
BHandler = Handler()

async def special_secret_method():
    return TextResponse("Handler B is stupid.")

BHandler.ingest_handler(AHandler) # Now Handler B knows all the route in AHandler including its secret.

Error Handling

Things might not always happen as everything thought, thus all errors need to be handled.
By default, there are a few error responses preset in case you did not specifically write them in your scripts.
However, it is recommended to overwrite the preset pages with @handler.error_page().
In those error view functions, you should also return the responses wrapped with errorize() so that the status codes are correct.
If you do not want to use errorize(), you can instead set response.status_code and response.status yourself.

from kripweb.response import errorize, TextResponse

@handler.error_page(404, take_request=True)
async def error404(request):
    return errorize(TextResponse(f"Nope, {request._scope['path']} is not a valid path for content."), 404)